From glory to glory

Dear Church, 

God is doing something amongst us that is glorious. It is not only His presence that is glorious but also the change He is bringing in each one of us individually and corporately as a body. It is the kind of change that is releasing His glory upon us to become more like Him that I believe is happening. His presence is certainly touching our mortal bodies and making us feel great but I know that He is also changing us from the inside. First, through the changes, God is bringing healing which is deleting the past. Many of us have needed healing from the past. Therefore, He is doing new things because we are now able to forget the former things by the strength of the Holy Spirit's comfort in us. Secondly, I believe, God is doing a new thing in releasing people into their gifting and calling. This too is a going from glory to glory. Many of us are gifted and have knowledge of the word but little opportunity to exercise it. Now, I believe God is releasing us to be who He has called us to be. Thirdly, God is bringing a unity among us that is born out of His love and not our concept of His love. This is the true inner working of the Holy Spirit, which just does not change our heart but gives us a new heart. The cry of many of our hearts is unity that is out of love and by the Holy Spirit, which gives it the touch of genuineness. I do believe we will see this glory of unity manifest among us in a might way, which we cannot even imagine. This alienates an individual's performance and brings in the glory that is of His being. Going from glory to glory is the journey of the Spirit in us. 

I encourage you to look forward to a journey with God in this small group of people who meet to love God and one another. Know this, you are loved yet not without discipline. That is the Father heart of God and His ways are far more effective than our ways. When He has matured us in one area of our walk with Him, the lessons begin in another area of our lives. He does it this way so that we can take what comes next without being discouraged. This too is change but with an intention to bring you to a new level of His glory. The Jews in the wilderness failed God in spite of His glory being with them at all times because they did not understand that they could not take God's glory for granted. Going through a wilderness hardly felt like a journey into glory and so they complained. Yet, they failed to understand that the very God of glory was with them in the wilderness. Therefore, there must have been a very good reason for them to take this journey. Had he not promised them a more glorious place than the wilderness? Yet, they did not understand this in the wilderness. 

My friends, wilderness places, and experiences in life are not necessarily bad things. They are moments in our journey (2Co 4:17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; ) that brings us to glorious places that are prepared by God which the eye has not seen nor ear heard or entered into the heart of man. These are both spiritual and physical places. On the one hand, the physical acts as a prepared place and often times as a reward for faithfulness. This is to fulfil God's covenant with Abraham that He would bless all his seed through Jesus. In the spiritual, these are glorious places of revelation and encounters with God that make us to grow so much more spiritually than had we not encountered them. 

People who refute supernatural experiences and revelation are doing so at their own cost of spiritual suppression by themselves and the devil. That is why it is not good to quench the Spirit. The word is our safeguard for all spiritual manifestations. It is my firm belief that God never does anything outside of His word. If we do not understand a spiritual manifestation and do not see it in the word, it does not mean it is not there. We have to seek God to understand where it might be in the word. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit is also our safeguard against spiritual deception. He will never lead us into anything wrong. Mind you, if you do not listen to Him, there is a good possibility that we can end up in spiritual deception or decay. Over the years and through the history of the Church we have seen that happen often enough around the world, in individuals, moves of God and Churches who have started good but ended up in witchcraft like the foolish Galatians.

However, our childish ranting of displeasure, which we show at His moves, does not perturb God. As I have often said, He does what He likes, when He likes and in whichever way He likes and owes no one an explanation. Since He is gracious, He explains Himself before He does something. Yet, we have to be listening. The day of Pentecost reminds us about the encounter of the disciples with the Holy Ghost that defied explanation, as their behaviour was very questionable according to the standards of the day. They behaved like drunken men at 9 am. Yet, Peter explained this act of God as prophecy in the book of Joel. He had obeyed the instructions of Jesus that He gave before His resurrection and waited with 120 disciples in the upper room without moving. He did not know what was coming except power from on high. Through this encounter, we know that God will explain things when we step out in faith and receive His move without explanation, trusting only on His word of instruction to us. Explanations may come before or after the manifestation. There are no hard and fast rules. Only man tries to explain things with his intellect. 

When God asked me to give up my business and follow Him with no hope of income, support or knowing where to start, it did not make sense to many in the Church or for that matter to me. I was in many ways labelled and misunderstood for most of my life and yet, God used me everywhere He took me. He continues to take me from glory to glory. I have learned the value of staying in the word even as the Holy Spirit explained it to me and never to deviate from it. I am not the same man who started 16 years ago in the full time ministry. I have been radically changed and liberated to believe God for the most amazing things and I am hungry for more. There is something in the plan of God for you that you have not yet tapped into but has been reserved in your destiny plan. Only you can unlock its mysteries. Go for it and do not hold back. You have nothing to fear but everything to gain. 

The glory realm is like none other. It does not respect the age or status of a person. All who are hungry and thirsty for God will receive the very best of His riches in glory reserved for them in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour. Many of you have abandoned your destinies through hurt or for the pleasures of this world and for a peaceful life on this earth. You did not want to ruffle any feathers and now you are finding out that you may have missed the boat as you see things happening around you. I want to tell you, it is never too late. Get on your knees and say, "I want it". Then abandon yourself into His large hands and He will take you to places you have never been before. 

Jesus is coming back soon. Even if you save one soul, you would have saved a soul from eternal death. That is in itself of immeasurable value. I long for the day of souls. The glory that is soon hit the earth will be for souls. Yet, we must keep them after they come in. It is necessary to clean them up, encourage them to stay in the faith and trust God because the times we will live in during the revival will be much worse than what they are now. Many will come in but will leave because of fear and many will fall in sin. We can only strengthen them if we are ourselves strengthened. 

I am praying for you all as I watch and observe you go through earthly and spiritual pressures. I too am going through much. Yet, the joy of the Lord is my strength. Often time, God will give me a word that lifts my spirit and makes it soar. I cannot get enough of Him when that happens. Others among you have your own experiences. I encourage you to rely on Him alone and not on your experiences. I too am waiting like you for the glory to hit. Yet, I believe in being active in prayer, reading of the word and the doing of works so that I am constantly close to Him in everything. 

He is the Lily of the Valley and the Bright and Morning Star; He is the Rose of Sharon and the Fairest of Ten Thousand. Oh! If only we could get a hold of Him and be with Him forever. That day is coming. For now, we have to be here on earth, doing what He says. 

The kingdom of God has doors that open to little children. Become one and He will give you entry in His glory. 

With love 

Pastor Noble

Calvary Assembly