Global Agenda

Anyone or anything global always has a global agenda. The difference between God and man’s agenda is essentially the difference between the eternal and the temporary. God’s agenda includes heaven and earth whilst man’s agenda is mostly worldly without any true understanding of a Universal agenda. The devil on the other hand also has a Universal agenda similar to God to cover heaven and earth but without the means to achieve it because he too is a created being similar to us yet different because he is spirit in his make up.

When Jesus came, He became the new man who would rule the heavens and the earth according to God’s agenda. The idea was, God would place Himself as the ruler of the Universe but in the form of the new man who is resurrected from the dead having defeated all evil and death in any form over man and spirits. Yes, even spirits die and can die by the design of God’s creation. The only one who cannot die is God Himself. It is in this understanding of God that we find our journey on earth to be interlocked with God’s agenda to make us rulers with Him in heavenly places over His creation. This is eternal life in and with God.

What many workers for satan (man & evil spirit) do not understand is, God cannot be defeated. This is where satan is lost in his understanding of who God is. What God allows (satan is allowed to exist) is within His power to bring it under subjection by His will. Therefore, we have to ask the question; What is God’s real agenda?” This is a perplexing question that cannot be answered by mere thought or intellect of any created being. In the book of Romans the question is asked of us as to how we could question God on His agenda. Rom 9:20  Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Rom 9:21  Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? Rom 9:22  What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction.Rom 9:23  And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto gloryMany question God because they have intellect, emotions and a will which creates pride to question God. Can a created being question God? The answer is a resounding ’no’. Yet, the soul questions God rather than submit to His infinite wisdom.

The time of God’s disclosed agenda for us and His creation at large is at hand. What we know now will pale in comparison to what we will know when God reveals more of His plans in heaven. That kind of revelation too will be limited to what is given. I believe we will lead a life in eternity discovering the expanse of God. This never-ending discovery of God began when we received Jesus as our Saviour. 

Even though the Universe seems to have no end, the Lord will roll it up like a scroll and start again when He is ready to create a new heaven and a new earth. Men must not be like ants who build their ant hills only to have them destroyed by some act of nature or man. If the ant begins to walk toward the end of its Universe, it will discover that there is no end. We must not be like ants. We must submit to God and walk in the knowledge of His will which is absolute and only then will we not fail or fall. Then we will not despair or wonder if God has it all under control or where something begins or ends because Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.

When anyone asks for prayer and discover that they have been heard and a miracle takes place, they thank God who brought it about. Why do they do that? They do that because they have come to the realisation that God has all the answers to life. For our sakes who believe, God has placed His words in the Bible to give us answers which act as the words of life. We must take hold of what God is saying in His word for us to know and stay within those confines. Then, our discoveries of God will truly be extravagant.

Men are trying to find earthly solutions to earthly problems, but the truth is they are spiritual problems that exist on an earthly plain. When satan deceived Eve, he brought a global spiritual problem to mankind through sin and death. These are two ingredients of evil that work hand in hand to destroy God’s creation. When God sent Jesus to resolve sin and death, Jesus produced a global solution that covered both heaven and earth once and for all. They are always in Christ Jesus. No one need look any further than Jesus. What man has always wanted is a global solution to the problem of death. What many who live in the world do not know is, God has placed the answer in faith. Once this life on Earth is over, life will carry on forever, but our choice for eternal life must be made now on earth. Life and death are by faith.

Arguments by those who are worldly always revolve around whether these things are true. People raise questions about the origins of life more than the end of life. The truth is the end of life is the beginning of a new life in eternity. This is a concept that many do not even think about. Their concerns about life always seem to revolve around finding cures for sicknesses and delays to death. Governments never talk about an after life or faith as part of their national agenda because it is not politically correct, and many do not even care about such things. So, a populace is going into hell over the lack of knowledge. The preaching of the gospel is under heavy fire from various groups who object to the gospel yet allow all forms of human depravity including killing one another. The human solution to life is to live it out the best you can and hope one can delay death.

Eternal life awaits those who believe in Jesus. This is a reality for all those who believe. Added to this is the reality of an eternal hell. Many do not even worry about this concept because they do not understand or want to understand eternal life and death. The building of natural lives upon this earth seem to be the focus of many. Many are starving and dying in wars, but little is being done about that. Neither are they able to control natural disasters and diseases which are on the increase at a tremendous rate. The misery on this earth seems to be increasing but governments keep talking about solutions that do not mean anything except about the rich getting richer.

The Universal solution is already here and is working quietly amongst us to reveal the heart of God. Those who believe will be saved and those who do not believe will be damned. May God give us all understanding. satan’s universe is designed to be an evil Universe full of chaos and strife. The hunger for power is his game. He thinks that by controlling the earth he can control God. Little does he know that God is infinitely greater than him. He is a pawn in God’s hands and his future has already been decided. Yet, the realities of his global agenda is to hurt God’s people while he can. It is in this warfare that we find ourselves pitted against an invisible enemy. The manifestation of his plans comes through what evil men do on earth to enhance and advance satan’s global agenda at any cost.

Human plans are always based on a greater benefit for mankind not accounting for the value of a soul. So, those who are involved in globalisation will do anything including kill to achieve their ends. It is to this that we must now look to see how we should avoid being involved knowingly or unknowingly. We must watch and ask God for discernment. Earth is our responsibility as it has been taken back by Jesus and given to us. So, let us seek our Commander in Chief and ask for the help in time of need.

Globalisation will come under the guise of advantages to mankind in all spheres of life. It is primarily going to take shape in identifying every single soul. As soon as they control the numbers, they can track every movement we make on earth and dictate what they want us to do. Without accepting to follow their rules no person will survive because they will be easily identified by their identification mark. No one will be able to conduct day to day affairs like buying or selling, air travel or any other thing without this mark. Many are already willing subjects of a smart chip in the hand to make everyday access to their offices, banks, and other venues easily accessible. The race for artificial intelligence has reached dizzy heights and has made it a lot easier to track someone. In other words, people are being followed or watched by technology and the State. This is what globalisation is all about, control of the human population with the intention of evil purposed upon them till satan can set up his kingdom on earth. The loser has already lost because of Jesus. 

Be blessed

Pst Noble – 24th of May 2020